image/svg+xml Openclipart 2007-11-20T10:29:44 Some shapes from photos. Chrisdesign clip art clipart image media nature png public domain shape silhouette svg tree


The Perfect Song

06 Jan 2007

There is this amazing musical act called Owen. It is pretty much the solo work of Mike Kinsella. The music is soothing like a massage, and the lyrics are honest like a good break up. I find myself listening to it a lot these days. It seems to be exactly what I need. I am currently listening to [In The Morning, Before Work](/music/Owen_-_In_The_Morning,_Before_Work.mp3 “Owen In The Morning, Before Work”).

I find that there are certain events I cannot put away properly. I wonder if I do not possess the proper resources for such activity, or maybe my person is just not simply capable to move on.

I hoped to be singing a different tune by now. Mostly, I do not hear that tune in my day, but it’s there and sings loudly tonight. I wonder if I could obtain the things I need, or maybe I cannot have that comfort.

In the long run, what is the worst is that there will come a day, not much different than yesterday, when my memory will not allow me the wonderful music that keeps me up tonight.

So, we will walk away from each other, knowing there are things in our hearts bearing down on us. We will ignore them until one day we are freed from remembering, or we will take them to the grave even as they seethe through us on our death beds.