image/svg+xml Openclipart 2007-11-20T10:29:44 Some shapes from photos. Chrisdesign clip art clipart image media nature png public domain shape silhouette svg tree


Mapping, GIS, Cartography at DrupalCon

04 Mar 2011

I can’t believe it’s been just about 6 months since Drupal Copenhagen. But it’s that time again to come to together in Chicago to talk on geospatial topics in Drupal. There are a number of things going on in this area. Birds of Feathers (BoF) discussions time and place should be determined on Monday.

Thomas Turnbull and I are giving a presentation about how to make your maps beautiful in Drupal on March 9th Wednesday at 1PM. This will be focusing on what are the many different levels of customizations you can do to get a look for your maps that best fits in with the design of your site. The audience of this presentation spans across site builders, themers, and developers. We will talk about many different modules like OpenLayers and GMap and tools like Cloudmade and TileMill.

There will be a BoF focused on GIS-related developers in Drupal. This will focus on how we can, as a community, create a more consistent architecture and interoperability of geospatial functions like data storage, geocoding, and mapping.

On the flip side, we’ll have a BoF discussion for geospatial modules users to converse about issues that happen, what are positives of modules, and general experiences.

I hope to see you in one of these places! Let me know if there are other things in this area that are happening that I have not listed.